{ let it be } bio : emily is a 20-year old young lady who lives in one of her favorite cities in the world, los angeles, california. she attends the university of california, los angeles (commonly known as ucla), is now a third year student and now lives in los feliz. major: mass communication studies, minors: human complex systems and music history (ooOOooOoo). she is a freaky little thing, in the best possible way. she enjoys (among many other things), every and all types of music, movies and digital editing, theatre, singing/pretending she's going to start a band, fine arts (especially painting and sculpture), video games (console), mucking about with her computer/digital graphics, acting silly, riding horses, literature, writing, musicals, science fiction, and the color green. she is quite friendly, lovable, and nice when you get to know her (although that is a bit clique), and above all things, em (also known as 'emily') is incredibly ECLECTIC. she is also quite fond of lists of things, so you can be sure she'll find some time to put a bunch of them up here at some point in between all of her other eclectic activities. email : emeliz@ucla.edu aim : w i l d eggplant fan listings : |
number one: homework, but isn't that what we ALL should be doing right now? i'm three plays behind for my performing arts class, not to mention the mid-term paper due on wednesday for it; i'm two BOOKS behind for my holocuast class, and there's a paper coming up either this week or the next; i havn't read my oceanography book since first week so now i'm about, ohh.. two hundred pages behind? man oh man, who said college was going to be this much work? >:O !!! number two: cleaning. man i hate cleaning, and i've been really good about it up til this point but seriously, dude, there's too much cleaning to do. i have to vacuum my floor, the living room and the hallway. i really SHOULD make my bed out of principal, but i'm mostly likely not going to do that... (although that could be said for most of the things listed here), i have to unpack and fold a ton of laundry and clothes, and straighten my desk and organize my drawers. at least i put up some posters, which required taking down and re-arranging a bunch of other ones, so i did do SOMETHING... just not a very important thing. number three: organize my financial/tax papers, call one of my credit card companies, pay my bills, fax some forms to the health office, AND find some money to pay some student fees. none of which i can do til I go home, all of which I could have done this weekend when i WAS home, but didn't. instead I played FFX-2 all weekend, heehee, oh, and went to the Getty museum to show off how smart I am to my parents (you know, let them know why they're sending me to college instead of marrying me off to some rich, old guy), and went to my friend's apartment for her 21st bday. sigh. best years of my life, man. Color: Busy, busy... " I think it's kinda funny / I think it's kinda sad / The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had " ems thought these thoughts @ 6:50 PM ...right now, over me
2.02.2004 It's true.... so true. ![]() Your wings are DRAGON wings. Massive and covered in scales, they shimmer with strength and magic. They are the most obvious display of your power - though it runs equally throughout your heart and mind. You are uncompromising and grave, with a profound sense of justice. You have firm ideas about what is right and what is wrong and set out to fix what problems you can. You realize that you are more capable of dealing with life and evil than most, and as such you see it as your responsibility to protect those who cannot defend themselves. You have existed since antiquity and as such you are wise far beyond your years in this lifetime. While you strive for fairness and peace, if someone should steal from your cave of treasure (though not all that glitters is gold) or compromise the happiness of you or one who is close to you - they have signed their death warrant. You have a mighty vengeance and will unleash it upon such people immediately and mercilessly. Arguing with you is useless...you rarely back down and are known for holding firm in your beliefs. Sometimes you feel intensely burdened with the troubles of others...acting as a Guardian can get so wearisome. But you never give up...you see it as your life's mission. Often very introverted, you can be so smart...it's scary. Such a combination of intelligence, creativity, power, beauty, and magic is often intimidating to those around you - who are also unlikely to understand you. Arrogant, proud, overserious, and sometimes a bit greedy or obsessed with whatever treasure you choose to pursue...you have enchanted people for centuries, and will continue to do so. *~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla Color= Dragons & Magic " Open fire on the need's desire / I'm my knees for you " ems thought these thoughts @ 6:55 PM ...right now, over me
{ I know you, you know me } linkage : Eggplant Moon - My Site beatles.com bowienet.com ucla.edu letssingit.com my other ad-riddled site lookie @ my DVD collection... Facebook me!
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classes i've taken at UCLA
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