come together..

{ let it be }

bio : emily is a 20-year old young lady who lives in one of her favorite cities in the world, los angeles, california. she attends the university of california, los angeles (commonly known as ucla), is now a third year student and now lives in los feliz. major: mass communication studies, minors: human complex systems and music history (ooOOooOoo). she is a freaky little thing, in the best possible way. she enjoys (among many other things), every and all types of music, movies and digital editing, theatre, singing/pretending she's going to start a band, fine arts (especially painting and sculpture), video games (console), mucking about with her computer/digital graphics, acting silly, riding horses, literature, writing, musicals, science fiction, and the color green. she is quite friendly, lovable, and nice when you get to know her (although that is a bit clique), and above all things, em (also known as 'emily') is incredibly ECLECTIC. she is also quite fond of lists of things, so you can be sure she'll find some time to put a bunch of them up here at some point in between all of her other eclectic activities.

email :
aim : w i l d eggplant

fan listings :

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summer time

wow. it's been a really good summer for the most part so far. spanish at gcc has been good and i've met scads of great people. work itself is okay, but my co workers are quite fab. money could be better but it's always that way, huh? hopefully i'll have enough for a car downpayment by the end of the summer and so i can officially give my car to my dad. yea. here's to another great next half of summer. :)

Color: " Give us those greens of summer...."

" ...that make you think all the world's a sunny day / oh yea "

ems thought these thoughts @ 4:58 PM

...right now, over me

{ I know you, you know me }

linkage :

Eggplant Moon - My Site
my other ad-riddled site
lookie @ my DVD collection...
Facebook me!

for fun :

em's current state of being:
The current mood of wildeggplant at

visit me :

creatures with web access have come here since January 20, 2004.

archival :

January 2004

February 2004

March 2004

April 2004

May 2004

June 2004

July 2004

August 2004

September 2004

October 2004

November 2004

December 2004

January 2005

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005

July 2005

August 2005

as promised, lists:

classes i've taken at UCLA
astronomy 3
linguistics 1
ge cluster 23A
earth and space sciences 15
german 59
ge cluster 23B
communication studies 10
sociology 1
ge cluster 23C
psychology 10
statistics 10
music history 5
anthropology 33
earth and space sciences 5
communication studies 175
communication studies 100
film and television 106A
anthropology 9
music history 7

current classes
human complex systems M100
human complex systems 100L
music history 193A
anthropology M140
communication studies 174

ways to leave your lover:
just slip out the back, jack
make a new plan, stan
no need to be coy, roy
uh, 47 more... ;P


These are my neopets, yea, they're cool, I know. If you click on them and sign up I'd be eternally grateful. Hey, look at that a lifetime guarantee! :)

moonspriteemmie got their Neopet at
moonspriteemmie got their Neopet at
moonspriteemmie got their Neopet at
moonspriteemmie got their Neopet at

--layout made by kembotxgurl--