{ let it be } bio : emily is a 20-year old young lady who lives in one of her favorite cities in the world, los angeles, california. she attends the university of california, los angeles (commonly known as ucla), is now a third year student and now lives in los feliz. major: mass communication studies, minors: human complex systems and music history (ooOOooOoo). she is a freaky little thing, in the best possible way. she enjoys (among many other things), every and all types of music, movies and digital editing, theatre, singing/pretending she's going to start a band, fine arts (especially painting and sculpture), video games (console), mucking about with her computer/digital graphics, acting silly, riding horses, literature, writing, musicals, science fiction, and the color green. she is quite friendly, lovable, and nice when you get to know her (although that is a bit clique), and above all things, em (also known as 'emily') is incredibly ECLECTIC. she is also quite fond of lists of things, so you can be sure she'll find some time to put a bunch of them up here at some point in between all of her other eclectic activities. email : emeliz@ucla.edu aim : w i l d eggplant fan listings : |
![]() Nightmare Before Christmas! What movie Do you Belong in? brought to you by Quizilla YES! Gotta Knock A Little Harder Happiness is just a word to me And it might have meant a thing or two If I'd had known the difference Emptiness, a lonely parody And my life, another smokin' gun A sign of my indifference Always keepin' safe inside Where no one ever had a chance To penetrate or break in Let me tell you some have tried But I would slam the door so tight That they could never get in Kept my cool under a lock and key And I never shed a tear Another sign of my condition Fear of love or bitter vanity That kept me on the run The main events at my confession I kept a chain upon my door That would shake the shame of Cain Into a blind submission The burning ghost without a name Was still calling all the same But I just wouldn't listen The longer I'd call The further I'd crawl The further I'd crawl the harder I'd fawll I was crawlin' into the fire The more that I saw The further I'd fall The further I'd fall the lower I'd crawl I kept fallin' into the fire Into the fire Into the fire Suddenly it occured to me The reason for the run and hide Had totaled my existence Everything left on the other side could never be much worse than this But I could go the distance I face the door and all my shame Tearin' off each piece of chain Until they all were broken But no matter how I tried The other side was locked up so tight The door it wouldn't open Give it all that I got And started to knock Shouted for someone To open the lock I just gotta get through the door And the more that I knocked The hotter I got The hotter I got the harder I'd knock I just gotta break through the door Gotta knock a little harder Gotta knock a little harder Gotta knock a little harder Break through the door Color: Black and white for Jack, with a splash of red for Sally. " Rebel rebel you tore your dress / Rebel rebel your face is a mess / Rebel rebel how could they know? / You're such a hot tramp / I love you so " ems thought these thoughts @ 9:09 PM ...right now, over me
6.26.2004 i really wish my family had enough money that i could just go to school and not have to work to pay tuition. i wish my family didn't make as much money so that i could get financial aid and get at least a partial free ride. i wish stupid ucla had a bigger communications program, or that they accepted you based on your communications-merit instead of standard gpa. i wish my parents weren't such nags, i wish summer was over, i wish i could draw better. i wish alot of things, but they probably won't come true. oh well. C: Pretty grey. " You know the sun is in your eyes / And hurricanes and rain will darken cloudy skies " ems thought these thoughts @ 12:25 PM ...right now, over me
6.22.2004 Curtosity of Paria's livejournal... If Earth's population was shrunk into a village of just 100 people -- with all the human ratios existing in the world still remaining -- what would this tiny, diverse village look like? That's exactly what Phillip M. Harter, a medical doctor at the Stanford University School of Medicine, attempted to figure out. This is what he found. 57 would be Asian 21 would be European 14 would be from the Western Hemisphere 8 would be African 52 would be female 48 would be male 70 would be nonwhite 30 would be white 70 would be non-Christian 30 would be Christian 89 would be heterosexual 11 would be homosexual 6 people would possess 59 percent of the entire world's wealth, and all would be from the United States. 80 would live in substandard housing 70 would be unable to read 50 would suffer from malnutrition 1 would be near death 1 would be pregnant 1 would have a college education 1 would own a computer So, where does that leave you? Color = I feel sluggish and blob-y. Eww. NOT in a mood to go job hunting, dangnabit. " That's why I'm telling you this time you'd better stop / For I have got / Another girl " ems thought these thoughts @ 11:47 AM ...right now, over me
6.19.2004 How to make a wildeggplant Ingredients: 5 parts anger 5 parts humour 5 parts instinct Method: Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion. Personality cocktail From Go-Quiz.com It fits, I'm more than slightly angry at my parents... >:o Color: Not very happy " I'm a loser / I'm a loser / And I'm not what I appear to be " ems thought these thoughts @ 2:42 PM ...right now, over me
6.17.2004 OH MY GOD. IT'S ALL OVER. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is this good or bad? both. oh my, it's just so crazy that my first year of college is over, over before i even realized it had started. it's been one crazy year, when i look back at who i was/where i was a year ago it's so amazing. i feel like i'm the same person and a completely different person all at once. i don't know if that's for the better or worse, but it is what it is and it's gonna take a lot of deep philosophical thinking on my part to make sense of it all. FIN!!! Color: Plum. Just cause. It seeming like an ending fruit. Blah! " No use to stop and stare / And if you don't know where you're going / Any road will take you there " ems thought these thoughts @ 6:29 PM ...right now, over me
6.13.2004 having to spend all this time studying for finals and worrying about grades and whether i'm going to be into comm or not, and having to worry about moving all my stuff out and having to worry about my job for the summer and having to worry about my scheudle for next quarter and having to worry about the SL position and having to worry about moving back home just should not be. even if some of the things listed there don't apply to you, i think everyone can relate to the general feeling. can i get an amen! fuck, life's hard sometimes! i'm not stressed out, it's just that when i stop to think about it, well damn, i have to worry about alot of stuff, shoot. but, the sun will come out tomorrow, so they say. it'll all be over soon, so i can start worrying about a whole new set of problems, i'm sure. life likes to screw me like that, i've noticed. Color: A color for worry? Oh, this one why not. " I'm not a savior / So do me a favor / Stop and see me sometime " ems thought these thoughts @ 12:38 AM ...right now, over me
6.10.2004 oh dear, it's the calm before the storm. surprisingly, i'm not too worried about finals yet, although there is much to be scared of...much much indeed. also, it's been one of the worst weeks ever, for many different reasons, all of which i don't care to list, but which have combined to make this definatly the worst week since i started ucla. (except maybe when i was horribly sick for finals last quarter). and yet.... i'm calm. perhaps not serene, or tranquill, or certainly not at peace, but calm. there's definatly something to be said for that, truely. random thought: i didn't know no doubt's "it's my life" was a cover... they certainly do try and slip those things in there, don't they, hum, i don't like that. hum, a color, a color...: calm " Johnny's in America / Johnny looks up at the stars / Johnny combs his hair and Johnny wants pussy and cars / Johnny's in America / Johnny's in America " ems thought these thoughts @ 8:19 PM ...right now, over me
{ I know you, you know me } linkage : Eggplant Moon - My Site beatles.com bowienet.com ucla.edu letssingit.com my other ad-riddled site lookie @ my DVD collection... Facebook me!
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